The Top Five Reasons You Should Come to the Kollel Dinner...

I'm biased, I'll admit. I have an agenda too- to grant Jews from across the Twin Cities access to our National Treasure- the Torah.

Enough about me... Here are the top 5 reasons you should attend the Kollel's Annual Dinner in two weeks, on Sunday, June 4th:

1. You want to be like Bibi 

You want to be like the Prime Minister of Israel, by owning an exquisite and meaningful piece of Judaica art by acclaimed artist Rabbi Yonah Weinrib. This is the first time Rabbi Weinrib's art is displayed and sold in Minnesota. With pieces ranging from $60-$6,000, there's something you'll fall in love with- and the Kollel gets a percentage of the sales!

2. You'll be Hungry after Shavuos

Sushi, carving stations, pasta stations, taco stations, butler-passed hors d'oeuvres, imported desserts from New York...You get the idea.



3. You haven't heard a good story in a while

Or, maybe you have. Regardless, come and hear the uplifting stories about commitment, family life, entrepreneurship, business planning, and long truck drives. Our honorees all have good stories to tell, come and recognize the good in the world and feel good!


4. You have to

Let's face it, for some, (hopefully only a few), the most compelling reason to come to an event is because you can't not come. I understand...Thank you for coming! Our flexible format makes it easy to come when you want, leave when you want, and stay for as little time as necessary. As for me, I'll do my best to make your stay as comfortable (and dare I say...enjoyable) as possible!



5. The Real Reasons

I know this should be #1 on the list. But from a marketing perspective if we put this first, you'd never read the rest. Truth be told, our mission is important and this event is an important part of what allows us to focus on the things we do best. We truly appreciate the strong support we receive from the community!


Convinced? Click HERE to register now! 

(Ad deadline is this Wednesday, May 24th

Sunday Morning Learning Program Kicks Off with a Bang!

It began with an idea- make Sunday mornings a time for learning. The plan? Simple. Create an environment for learning by having interesting shiurim, chavrusa learning and a sumptuous breakfast.

So we began.

Shragi Smith spearheaded the effort by undertaking to plan, shop for, and cook a hot breakfast every Sunday. Yonasan Ghermezian brought his entertaining and far-reaching style to a popular class on Nefesh HaChaim. Add word of mouth and a couple of well-placed flyers, and we had a couple dozen people learning last Sunday in the Kollel. (I'm sorry I didn't take pictures.)

Now it's your turn to join. Just come between 9 and 9:45 to the Kollel library and see for yourself! 

Kollel's Back in Action!

After an invigorating Pesach, the Kollel is back in action! I even took a quick pic!

Stop by and see us! Check out our summer program guide and find something that suits you.

Also, don't forget to register for the Kollel annual event, which we'll be on June 4th. Not only will it be a fun and uplifting evening, but it's a critical key to affording Jewish learning opportunities to Jews all over the Twin Cities! Just click on the pic for more info.

It's Here! Haggadah Companion for Pesach 5777

Once again, we are pleased to present a Haggadah Companion, full of original and insightful Divrei Torah sure to enhance your Seder. Thank you to Rabbis Adam Crystal and Uriel Gross for spearheading this project.

NEW for this year, we have some analytical Torah essays in Hebrew for the more advanced readers. You can download both below. As a bonus, we've added Haggadah companions from previous years as well. Enjoy!

This Year- English.Click to Download

This Year- English.

Click to Download

This Year- Hebrew.Click to Download

This Year- Hebrew.

Click to Download

5774- Complete.Click to Download

5774- Complete.

Click to Download

Freedom Acheived at WPIT LIVE at SeilerSchindel, PLLC

On Tuesday Night, it was all about the butterfly...and freedom...and Pesach. a few dozen women gathered at the beautiful offices of SeilerSchindel, PLLC to enjoy fun and liberating workshops about freedom from stress, imprisoning thoughts, stale relationships, and the pre-Pesach crunch.

Thank you to our WPIT coordinators, Mrs. Crystal and my wife! Thanks to Scott Seiler and Carol for availing us of your awesome space! Thanks to Rabbi Dovid Fredman of Aish Minnesota for your informative and practical workshop. Thanks to Mrs. Esther Kutoff for your help both before and during the event!

Enjoy the pics!  

We Want You to Be Informed!

To be notified of future WPIT events and news please fill out the form below!

Announcing: Kollel Annual Event 2017

It's that time again! 

The time when I get to rack my brains to try to come up with something amazing, bold, classy, different, exciting, fun, glamorous, holy, inspirational, Jewish, ...(You get the idea) for the Kollel's annual event.

All kidding aside, this event is always an exciting and uplifting evening which is critical to our mission.

We're working hard to make this years event exciting and fresh, but consistent with the age-old Torah values that we all treasure...something, say...


Invitations will go out after Pesach. If you would like one and you're not sure if you're on our list fill out the form below.  

Spring Break in Costa Rica + PICS!!

The JWAY has gone to the jungle! Rabbi Cohen and Albert Miller are leading a spring break trip to spend Shabbos with the volcanos and monkeys. Did you know that Costa Rica is the hummingbird capital of the world?

As always, Rabbi Cohen has just the right message! Check it out! Then, check out the awesome pics.

Guys, hope y'all have a great time and come back with some new perspective- and a great tan!

Purim Highlights!!!! (Pics Below)

We had a great Purim here at the Kollel, and I hope you did as well! With all the costumes, drinks, and revelry, the spiritual side of Purim can sometimes get lost in the fray. This is why we place a special focus on finding some precious time amidst the bustle to learn a little Torah, which helps us focus on the wealth of opportunity of this very holy and special day contains.

On Purim night, the Purim Mesiba (gathering) at the home of Rabbi Yechezkel Greenberg kicked off with a chavrusa study session, followed by insights from Rabbi Greenberg. The mesiba then launched into lively Purim music and dancing. Thank you to Rabbi Yaakov Eliyahu Mandelbaum for spearheading this year's session.

On Purim day, the Kollel hosted a father-son learning session, known across the globe as "Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik". The Kollel Bais Medrash was filled with the sweet sound of children learning Torah. Thank you to Rabbi Meyer Roberts for arranging this program and other children's programming throughout the year.

Check out the pics below! Thanks to all who came!

When You Think About It, Purim's An Odd Holiday

As Jews, we're usually a pretty reserved bunch. We're not about wild parties and wanton revelry, yet in many Jewish homes and synagogues you'll find what seems to be exactly that; as Gus Brown, the custodian in the Philadelphia Yeshiva used to call it, Purim is the "Jewish Drunk Day!" How should we approach this holy day of Purim, and how can we use it to find meaning. Luckily, we have Rabbi Uriel Gross who will give us the Maharal's approach to this holiday.